Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Can You Spot The Crow?

It is not only the blackbird of Europe that knows how to hide. The intelligent crows of our homeland are just as smart and they hide just as well.

When I looked out my office window a couple of weeks ago during a thunderstorm, I saw a crow flew into the trees.

It hid itself among the leaves of the trees and I took several pictures. These are some of the photos where I could see the crow. Can you spot it?

In some of the photos which I did not post, I could not find the crow even though I took the picture myself!

Well, happy crow hunting. If you found none, you may want to have your eyes checked. If you found 3 crows, you are okay, I guess.

If you find 5 crows, you are sharp.

If you found all 7 crows, congratulations! You can be a professional crow hunter.

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