Sunday, February 17, 2008

A Visit To Dong Zen Temple 2008 - #2

When you stepped into the main prayer hall, one may be surprised to find it brightly lighted with modern styling. The huge Buddha sat there serenely surveying the patrons who came visiting. There is little of the solemnity that one found in temple. On the other hand the glossy finishing and tiles lend an air of gaiety. May be too modern for some taste but I liked it as it is a depart from enforced gravity one usually find in places of worship. As anything in life, this also has disadvantages as will be pointed out later.

The story of the religion is beautifully engraved in the wall paneling as this fine example above. This order practiced Mahayana Buddhism.

A devoted couple on their knees paying tribute to Buddha.

A father teaching his children to pray.

Because the large brightly decorated open hall and very clean floor reduced the solemnity and gravity of the prayer hall, some of the visitors who are just here to look see did not behave as they should in a place of worship. They let their children ran about and loudly laughed while others were kneeling down and praying. Some even let their children roll on the floor. I was tempted to smack some of the - parents. This small boy volunteer tried with limited success to attract the attention of the more riotous visitors.

Many like me came for the photograph opportunity. There are always things to snap and I like catching photographers in their act. Here is on trying to find the perfect angle. For all I know, I have also been snapped.

A few devotees were very happy to have the chance to speak with one of the master. You can see the reverence in their facial expression and demeanor.

A thousand Buddhas.

There was an exhibition of the work of Feng ZiKai (1898 -1975). He was known as the founder of modern cartoons in China. His simple drawing of figures with Chinese cultural flavor is highly regarded. He is also a devoted Buddhist.

This is an example of his work.

There were also some beautifully crafted figurine of monks in various joyous pose celebrating life and happiness which is a joy to behold.

When I came out of the exhibition hall, the evening has deepened considerably and the lights are all switched on. However, it is not completely dark yet. In Malaysian weather pattern, this only last less than half an hour.

This was an outside shrine where devotees can make colorful candle offering to the Buddhas.

Join us for the next part - night scenes.

To be continued...

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