We didn't even make it to the restaurant as the rain was really dumping their load on us. We took temporary shelter in a hut where we moored our boat to wait for the tears from heaven to ease. The captain of course has to be the last one off the boat so he absorbed a bit more moisture than us.
Looked at the water to see how heavy the rain was. We could afford to laugh now safely under the little hut. I loved the atmosphere surrounded by the rain, cooled by moisture laden sea breeze. Sitting on a table looking out at the sea, chatting with friends while the rain played their symphony for us – what more does one need? Except maybe a cup of hot coffee?
The Perlama restaurant - so near yet so far. But it was all right. It was comfy enough where we were. We may change our tune when our stomach got a bit hungrier but we can wait if the heaven don't cry too long.
The rain continued... and it was a pleasure just hanging back taking it all leisurely in. Kurau's boat is taking in water. We will have to scoop it all out later.
Dusk is approaching. See the big droplets of water dripping down from the roof. The scene was hazy and took on a romantic air. Maybe I should have asked Kurau to compose a poem.
Maybe not all things should have an answer like what is this fisherman doing in the rain?
Soaked to the skin and I suspected he is enjoying it.
Next episode: A Man & His Boat In The Rain...
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